The 'Original' Pinhole Blender 120

The Pinhole Blender uses three, 0.3mm pinhole taking
lenses to triple expose and blend your subject into a collaged

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Loading the Camera

Hold the camera in front of you with the lenses pointing forwards. Supply 120/220 film roll goes on right. Take-up spool goes on left. Tape paper leader to take-up reel to insure positive advance of film. Film advance knob (take-up spool side) turns in clockwise direction. Use knob line and counter mark as guide. Advance film in light until lateral 120/220 START ARROW is aligned next to center core. Insert spool adapters knobs on top of supply and take-up spools before closing lid. Knob with silver indicator line goes on take-up spool side (left side).
To insure proper alignment of film transport system, align can seam with inscribed dimple indicator on edge of camera lid.

When winding the film, release tension on the supply side first, then wind up the slack with the take-up side knob.

Film winding distances from initial start mark being aligned next to center core: 8-360 degree (complete revolutions) turns of take-up knob in clockwise direction to set camera for image #1.

For separate 2 1/4” x 5” images on roll: 3-360 degree (complete revolutions) turns of take-up knob in clockwise direction to advance film one complete image with no overlap with previous exposure. You fill find 4 complete exposures on a 120 roll, 8 compete exposures on a 220 roll.

For continuous single blended image on entire roll: 2-360 degree (complete revolutions) turns of take-up knob in clockwise direction to advance film one complete image will yield continuous overlap with previous exposures, see example.

There are 12-360 degree (complete revolutions) from the first image to end of 120 roll and 24-360 degree (complete revolutions) from the first image to end of 220 roll.

You may use any combination of 1, 2, or 3 apertures, either simultaneously or sequentially in the same or different locations. A full 360 degree image may be made by blending one, three exposure strip with the next three exposure strip and rotating the camera 180 degree to face the opposite direction. Remove magnet covers to open lens. Exposure suggestions for ISO 100 & 400 film are include with each camera, you may need to modify these suggestions to suit your exposure preferences.